Working on a set of animated sprites for the excellent roguelike Brogue in a similar minimalist graphic style as Infra Arcana.
Arkham Shadows Sprites
I've released the Lovecraftian horror themed 8x8 sprites Arkham Shadows and they are now available to download. It includes cinematic scenes, drivers licenses for all 8 investigators, 16x16 elder ones, and has 8 direction sprites for all characters and monsters. Grab them in the Sprites section.
Updated Website
Upgraded the website. I'll also have some Famaze news later today and some new sprites available this week.
New Lofi Hellband Sprites
A while back I started doing a massive 8x8 pixel sprite set for a roguelike game called Hellband, a variant of Angband with a Dante's Inferno theme. I won't be able to finish them anytime soon so I thought I'd release the finished character sheet. The set features a full 13 race and 31 class matrix. You can download the 2x preview here, and actual size here.
Infra Arcana Update
Made some new tiles tonight for Infra Arcana including: a shadow, a sarcophogus, stone pillars, some various room decor, and new tomb walls. I assume that means a new release is imminent!