Ultimate Roguelike Tileset released

Featuring thousands of new sprites! ​This massive collection of fantasy sprites combines the classic feel of old school ascii roguelike games, with an iconic and flexible graphic tileset.

Sprites are designed to be fully colorable. Make green spiders, poisonous red spiders, or deadly black widows all from one iconic sprite!​

More info can be found here or you can purchase them from the sprite section.

The Ultimate Roguelike Tileset

Inspired by my Brogue and Infra Arcana tilesets, I've begun work on a massive collection of similarly themed fantasy sprites. They will attempt to capture the simplicity, readability, and recolorability that makes Ascii roguelikes so great. Made to bridge the gap between "purist" and "hobbyist" the set will include an exhaustive collection of heroes, creatures, items, dungeons, portraits, icons, interfaces, and more!​